Should You Smoke Weed Everyday? Benefits & Side Effects of Using Marijuana Daily

Despite being illegal in many countries, cannabis is smoked all over the world. The United States is the second biggest smoking population in the world, with 16.3% of Americans admitting to regularly use weed.

Perhaps, almost 9 million Americans smoke marijuana almost every day, be it for medical and recreational purposes.

And how many times have you asked yourself: “Should you smoke weed every day?” If you’re a  recreational user, then you probably don’t need to use marijuana on a daily basis, but then again, why shouldn’t you do it?

Well, while many high-profile entities recommend that we smoke weed every day, it would be wise to take a while and consider if the pros outweigh the cons.

In this article, we’re going to shed light on both the advantages and disadvantages of smoking weed every day. But before we dig deeper into it, let’s see what both the U.S. Government and science have to tell about the effects of cannabis on human health.

Of Course, the Government Believes It’s Bad to Smoke Weed Everyday

Given the Schedule I status of marijuana, the plant has no medicinal values and comes with the strong potential for abuse – at least that’s what the Controlled Substances Act wants us to believe.

Surprisingly, the same government that created this act holds a patent on cannabinoids, where it states that THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids are potential neuroprotectants and antioxidants that can aid people in neurodegenerative diseases and illnesses resulting from oxidative stress.

Marijuana Smoke vs. Tobacco Smoke

Despite this disturbing contradiction, regulatory drug agencies believe that regular weed smoking can indeed pose risk to one’s health. Lung-related problems are, of course, the biggest concern among researchers and smokers.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse has stated that people who smoke marijuana frequently can experience the same issues as those who smoke tobacco. These inconveniences include a daily cough, phlegm, lung diseases, and an increased risk of lung infections. [1]

But at the same time, other studies, including the one conducted by the American Thoracic Society’s medical journal, stated that lifetime marijuana use is not associated with adverse changes in the spirometric measure of lung health. In fact, cannabis users performed slightly better on the lung function test than those who smoked tobacco. The researchers investigated more than 5,000 people over twenty years to come to such conclusions.

Your Brain Will… What Was I Saying?

USA Today interviewed the Medical Director of the Caron Treatment Centers, Dr. Joseph Garbely, about the impact of marijuana on the brain. In the interview, Garbely told the magazine that daily cannabis use leads to slower brain function and a range of other impairments.

According to Garbely’s statements, chronic marijuana users perform at a lower level at work and at school. Moreover, he goes on, 15% of marijuana users develop an addiction, which may lead to problems with memory coordination and problem-solving issues.

Although the science is scant on the effects of daily cannabis use, cannabis advocates tend to disagree with Dr. Garbely’s biased view. Some of the world’s best athletes, scholars, artists, entrepreneurs, and other professionals have admitted to smoke weed every day. Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, Cheech & Chong, Richard Branson, Morgan Freeman, Michael Phelps, Woodie Harrelson – these are merely a few examples of successful people who believe that daily cannabis smoking can even improve the quality of one’s life.

Of course, these are sheer assumptions and we don’t know if there happen to be legions of talented people that were thwarted by daily weed use, or maybe weed just reveals you to yourself, being neither a cure nor a curse.

What Actually Happens If You Smoke Weed Daily

Given that opinions on whether you should smoke weed every day are split, maybe we should shed some light on the real pros and cons of daily marijuana use. No ideological bias, just raw meat.

Let’s get this rolling (pun intended).

7 Reasons to Smoke Weed Everyday

Wondering if you should smoke weed every day? Here are 7 reasons that may convince you to stay positive about your habits.

1. Creativity Boost

Contrary to the omnipresent lazy-stoner stereotype, weed can boost your creativity to the ceiling. The key is to be able to choose the right strain for the right time. For example, if you want to boost your energy levels and stir creativity, then you might want to consider a pure Sativa strain or a Sativa-dominant hybrid. [2] Sativa varieties are known for their strong cerebral effects that bring up euphoria and sharp focus for several hours. After all, there’s a reason why so many people love to wake n’ bake. Unlike their indica counterparts, sativas won’t leave you couch-locked because the body high doesn’t usually occur in sativas, unless it’s a balanced hybrid.

2. Protection for Your Brain

As a recent study conducted by researchers in Germany and Israel suggests, cannabis can increase the number of nerve cells in the brain, which is an essential aspect of our cognitive abilities. As we age, our ability to learn decreases, and we are more exposed to neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Daily weed use could slow down neurodegenerative processes in the brain and thus keep our brains in better shape for longer. [3]

3. Weight Loss

It may come to your surprise that smoking weed every day can actually help you lose extra weight, but yeah, this bold theory is backed by some serious scientific evidence. An article published in the American Journal of Medicine in 2013 states that smoking marijuana can reduce sugar levels, waist size, and help control weight in general. On top of that, weed smokers have lower fasting insulin levels than those who abstain from the green. As a result, their bodies are less resistant to the naturally produced insulin, which helps stave off diabetes.

4. Improved Sleep

Marijuana has been used for centuries due to its stress-relieving properties. As a modern society, we are plagued by insomnia. More and more people experience sleep deprivation issues because they are always told that they can do better and better, with no time to stop and take care of themselves.

Until recently, insomnia and other sleep disorders were treated with pharmacological medications that only masked the symptoms and served as a source of short-term relief. However, given the myriad side effects of such drugs, people have grown tired of popping pills and turned to more natural resources.

As it turns out, marijuana can improve your sleep in many ways. When used every day, cannabis may promote better breathing, inhibit REM sleep and dream, help you fall asleep faster, and regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

So, the next time you think about smoking weed less often, remind yourself how it puts you to sleep, and voila – all doubts are gone!

5. Less Stress

As we said, cannabis can significantly reduce stress, which is probably the “why” behind the infamous stereotype that marijuana makes you not care about anything at all. This, dear friends, is a far cry from the truth.

In fact, marijuana smokers simply don’t give a damn about things that they consider insignificant – shouldn’t the world work that way? Sadly, we’ve got so occupied by so many unimportant triggers that we’ve started to treat them as if they meant the world to us. And let’s face it, if you get stressed out by bollocks, there’s something wrong with you.

Marijuana smokers, on the other hand, want to be left alone, because they know that life can be brutal itself and there’s no need to overburden yourself with unnecessary stuff – simple as that.

6. More Energy

If you really need to boost your energy levels to get through the day like a princess on her unicorn, go with a pure Sativa. There are some strong sativas out there that can literally kick you out of your shoes. Don’t get us wrong, we don’t want you to expect a cocaine-like buzz from weed, but something like a triple espresso? Yeah, that comparison looks more accurate.

For example, Green Crack, a super potent Sativa named by Snoop Dogg himself (and one of his favorite weed strains), produces a powerful brain-centered high that brings you into a very productive vibe that can last up to three hours. Some people like to microdose Sativa strains throughout the day to keep their energy levels constantly elevated. Microdosing weed means taking small doses of marijuana so that you can experience the benefits of the herb, just on the verge of being high.

7. A ‘Helpway’ Drug

We bet you’ve heard that at least several times in your life: “Weed is a gateway drug!”

No, it’s not. A 2016 study conducted in Michigan showed that daily medical cannabis use resulted in a 64% drop in opioid use. Besides the growing body of scientific evidence, we cannot pass indifferently by hundreds of success stories from people who have managed to conquer their alcohol/drug addiction with weed. [4]

Given that America is clearly in the midst of an opioid crisis that claims almost 100 lives a day, marijuana could help U.S. citizens overcome their addiction while treating the ailments for which they’ve been prescribed opioids.

4 Reasons Not to Smoke Weed Everyday

Although smoking weed every day comes with plenty of benefits, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have any negatives. Although the side effects of daily weed use are rather mild and pass after around a week from quitting, it’s worth knowing the potential risks.

1. Smoking Anything Is Basically Wrong

Isn’t it? Combustion triggers the release of potential toxins and harmful substances like carcinogens to your lungs. That being said, smoking marijuana every day can lead to lung damage over time, not to mention lung and cardiac diseases, cancer, or heart attacks. [5]

On top of that, smoking causes a wide range of other short- and long-term side effects, such as yellow skin and teeth, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, and more. If you want to stick to your daily habits because you simply like to puff, puff and pass consider buying a vaporizer. Vaporization heats the herbal material to the point where all cannabinoids and terpenes are released to your bloodstream upon inhalation, but without producing smoke.

2. Developing Cannabis Use Disorder

Lately, people have been arguing – even weed enthusiasts between each other – whether or not you can develop a cannabis addiction. While from the physiological point of view marijuana is not addictive, an individual can, in fact, develop weed dependence in some cases.

So, basically speaking, yes, you can get addicted to weed on the mental level, but isn’t that the issue with all the enjoyable things in life? People get addicted to gambling, eating, sex, and religion, yet we don’t throw daggers at people who go to church or make love, every day, do we?

3. Increased Risk of Cardiac Event

Even though daily cannabis use can result in lower blood pressure, smoking the plant may actually increase the risk of hypertension. A 6-year study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology examined the heart health of 1,200 people, and the result indicated that chronic weed users were 3.34 times more likely to die from hypertension than those who didn’t smoke marijuana. However, the study didn’t conclude if it was marijuana that caused hypertension, or if the consumption method was to blame. [6]

4. Potential Sexual and Reproductive Issues

Recently, it has been suggested that smoking weed every day could reduce testosterone levels and sperm count in men, possibly leading to infertility. Moreover, the high levels of carbon monoxide in the smoke can be dangerous to pregnant women, as it may cause a lower birth rate.

This point is a bit controversial, though, because many weed advocates out there are saying that weed can improve your sex drive and doesn’t cause any impairments in newly born children. More interestingly, a 1974 study found that marijuana had no impact on plasma testosterone, so as you can see, there are two sides of the coin. [7]

So… Should You Smoke Weed every day?

We haven’t even touched on many other potential benefits of smoking weed every day, such as supporting the immune system, preventing aging, and reducing the growth of cancer cells – yet, they already outweigh the possible downsides of daily marijuana use.

To be honest, there simply aren’t enough studies on the long-term consequences of chronic weed use to draw any definitive conclusions. The idea that it can lead to cognitive dysfunction and hypertension is a genuine concern, but then again, it needs to be backed by more detailed research that could investigate marijuana and smoking as two independent variables.

In our experience, long-term marijuana users definitely don’t fall into the ‘reefer madness’ stereotype. Of course, weed gets you high, so it can be considered a drug – one that can make you feel amazing during the experience. That said, this can lead to dependency problems, so we wouldn’t recommend smoking it daily as an escape measure.

Other than that, it appears that much of the negative data is contradicted by many positive studies, so this is our ultimate suggestion: use common sense.


  1. Substance Abuse Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables. SAMHSA. Published September 8, 2016. Accessed January 18, 2017.
  2. Schafer G. et al. Investigating the Interaction Between Schizotypy, Divergent Thinking and Cannabis Use, Consciousness and Cognition 21 292-298, published in 2012
  3. Bilkei-Gorzo et al. A Chronic Low Dose of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Restore Cognitive Function in Old Mice. Nature Medicine 23, 782-787, published in 2017.
  4. Boehnke K. F., Litinas E., Clauw D.J. Medical Cannabis Use Is Associated With Decreased Opioid Medication Use in a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients With Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain: Official Journal of the American Pain Society, Volume 17, Issue 6, 739-744, published in June 2016.
  5. Muhammad F. Tobacco Smoking and Lung Cancer: Perception-changing Facts, Sultan Quabos University Medical Journal, issue 13(3), 345-348. Published online in June 2013.
  6. Yankey A. B., Rothenberg R., Strasser S. Effect of Marijuana Use on Cardiovascular And Cerebrovascular Mortality: A Study Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Linked Mortality File. First published in August 2017.
  7. Mendelson J. H. et al. Plasma Testosterone Levels Before, During and After Chronic Marihuana Smoking, N Engl J Med 1974; 291:1051-1055. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM197411142912003. Published in November 1974.
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